Crystal stone: beauty, strength and various uses

Crystal stone: beauty, strength and various uses

Due to its beauty, transparency and unique features, Crystal stone is one of the ornamental stones that is used in interior design and exterior facade of buildings. This stone is composed of minerals such as quartz and because of its special luster, it is used as one of the expensive and popular stones in design. Crystal stone can be used as one of the most important elements in the interior decoration such as floors, tables (dining tables, conference tables…), trays, candlesticks, etc.  In the external facade also, it can be used in hall entrances, stairs, walls, etc.


Crystal Stone

Crystal stone is a type of limestone that has recrystallized under high pressure and heat conditions. Because of this property, Crystal stone has categorized in metamorphic stones group. Actually, Crystal stone is a sedimentary rock and due to high pressure and heat, it has recrystallized and reformed into a new shape. The newly shaped stone, is usually transparent or semi-transparent and is found in a wide range of colors, including white, pink, yellow, blue, and purple. Crystal stone is well known as a precious and valuable stone and is applied in variety of industries such as jewelry, decoration and construction.

Crystal stone
Crystal stone

Application of Crystal stone

Stones are used in different parts of the buildings. They are usually applied in making stairs, exterior facades, walls, floorings, table tops, cabinets, kitchens and fireplaces. Due to its beauty and high strength, Crystal stone is used in the following cases;

Crystal stone plating

Crystal plating is a process in which a thin layer of metal is applied to the surface of the crystal. This increases the beauty and durability of the crystal stone.


Types of Crystal stones

Crystal stone is divided into two main categories:

read more:Marble

Different groups of Crystal stones

These stones are divided into different groups due to their great variety. Some types of Chinese stones are:

  1. Granite stones: These stones have high density and very high resistance to pressure and heat. Granites are usually found in gray, white and pink colors.
  2. Marble stones: these stones have a smooth and beautiful texture and are used in art and architecture. The color of Marbles is usually white, gray and pink.
  3. Vitrified Porcelain stones: These stones have a clear and shiny texture and are used to make jewelry and luxuries. These stones are mostly found in green, blue and red colors.
  4. Iron ore Crystals: Iron ore Crystal has a hard and drag texture and is used to make tools and luxuries. Iron ore Crystals are usually found in gray and black colors.
  5. Limestone Crystals: These stones also have a smooth beautiful texture and are used in Luxuries and architecture. The color of these stones is mostly white and gray.


Dimensions and sizes of Crystal stones

Stones are one of the most widely used materials in the construction industry. These materials are produced and cut in different dimensions and sizes and are used in different parts of buildings. Crystal stone is categorized into different type by its dimension and size.


Copestone or Cope stone is a raw stone (rocks) that is extracted from the heart of mountains. These rocks have different sizes and shapes and usually have a lot of weight. After mining, the rocks are transported to the stone-cutting factories, where they are cut to the required dimensions and sizes.

Slab stone

Slab stone is a kind of natural stone that is cut in large and uniform dimensions. These stones are usually 2 to 4 cm thick and are produced in different lengths and widths. Slabs are used in facades of buildings, floorings and wall coverings.

Tile stones

Tile stones are some kind of natural stones that are cut into smaller sizes than slabs. These stones usually have a thickness of 1 to 2 cm and are produced in different lengths and widths. Tile stones are also used in floorings, wall coverings and stairs.

Carcass stones and Malons

Carcass and Malon stones are natural stones that extracted irregularly without cutting. These stones are usually produced in small and large sizes and are used in wall cladding, flooring and landscaping.

Crystal stone
Crystal stone

Crystal stone mines in Iran

Crystal rocks are found all over the world. Among the most important Crystal rock mines, we can point to Brazil, India, the United States and China that are the most important producers of Crystal stones in the world. Iran has also many mines located all over the country. But to determine the best Crystal stones, one should pay attention to various criteria such as quality, extraction rate, efficiency rate and production costs. According to these criteria, the best of Iranian Crystals are extracted from the mines in Kermanshah, Hamadan and Yazd provinces. Kermanshah Crystals are more popular among the costumers for their quality and reasonable prices.

Additionally, White Marbles or Crystal stones of Nain city are well known for their quality and beauty and used in construction and decoration industries. Among the other crystal stone mines, we can also mention to Neishabur, Qain, Bardsir, Kohbanan and Minab cities.


Crystal stone and metaphysics

Some believe that Crystals has metaphysical properties. They are in different colors and shapes each one has its own property and effect. Metaphysical aspect of crystals caused them to be used in jewelry, decorative tools, stone therapy, etc.

Blurred Crystal:

Blurred Crystal is a kind of glassy Crystal made of quartz. This kind, is one of the most popular types of Crystal due to its beauty and metaphysical properties.

Application of Blurred Crystal:

Blurred Crystal is used by different purposes;


Cutting in requested dimensions

Crystal stones of our company, are extracted from the best mines of Iran. We are ready to cut them in any dimension and size you prefer. Our products can be used different areas such as construction, interior decoration, outdoors and etc. We also have very high quality Slabs in variety of sizes and colors that are suitable for stairs, floors, internal decorations and external facades.

Crystal stone
Crystal stone

Sale and price of porcelain stone in Iran

We offer the products in wholesale and retail markets. Our products are available in variety of sizes, colors, types, qualities and prices.